Using Color Mending to process emotions in therapy

Therapist: Andrea Call, MSW | Location: Provo, UT | Client ages: 4-14

Andrea Call is a licensed social worker who primarily works with children ages 4-14. “A lot of the children that I work with are neurodivergent and they don’t want to engage in typical forms of talk therapy. ‘I don’t want to talk about this,’ is something I hear regularly. I’m always looking for different methodologies I can use with my clients to help reinforce the work that we’re doing together.”

While scrolling through Instagram, Andrea came across Color Mending. After learning how she could use coloring to identify topics to work through with her clients, she decided to give it a try and purchased the ebook. She was particularly drawn to how each color represents emotional states and shape represents what the emotion is a reflection of.

“One of the most memorable experiences while using Color Mending was with one of my 14-year-old clients. She was mastering the art of suppressing emotions, and I wanted to teach her that when she suppresses emotions they don’t go away. She needed to take the time to work through her emotions, and that I can be a resource for her to do this.”

During the coloring session, the client colored a cowboy riding a horse. Andrea and the client then interpreted the coloring together. As they uncovered the meaning behind each of the colors and shapes in the picture, it began to mirror current events and feelings the client was experiencing.

“It was a huge ah-ha moment for her. She was able to see that if she doesn’t process her emotions they stick around until she works through them. It also helped her see that she doesn’t have to verbally process emotions, there are other strategies that have the same effect, like coloring.”

In addition to the breakthroughs Color Mending has provided to her clients, Andrea appreciates that she can use Coloring Mending to help her validate treatment plans and areas of focus. “It’s helpful to have a tool to confirm what I’m observing in my clients. When clients don’t want to talk or use traditional forms of therapy I use coloring. This helps me to see the emotions, mindsets, and patterns that are top of mind for them and that they’re ready to work through.”

Chelsea K-K

Chelsea is an experience designer based in Austin, TX.

Using Color Mending to navigate family transitions with toddlers


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